How to Customize Blogger template as per your choice for free of cost

How to Customize Blogger template as per your choice for free  of cost

 Why you need to customize your Blogger template?

Customization is the process of changing of  any original blogger template on your own style. Which may helps to enhance your blog to  grown up easily due to its attractive looks .No body wants a rough or ugly theme on your blog while reading your post.If your blog is attractive there might be high chance to grew your audience due to your attractive blog and content.

What type of  Blogger template can i customize?

If you have a basic idea about HTML ,undoubtedly, you can customize all kinds of template as per your own styles.on the other hand if you do not have knowledge on HTML coding then you might not be worry because there are lots of methods available on you tube,google and other platform which may help you customize your Template . or you can download already customize and SEO friendly Template either on free of cost   or by purchase as per your wish.

Which part is most important for customize on blogger?

There is no limit for this method you can customize  many items on your blogger template,among them some important parts has been listed below which will be effective for viewers. 
1. Fevicon Icon as per your Blog Name
2. Drop down menu customization as per your Contents
3.Blogger Header Menu and Background
4.Post Tile,Heading,Subheading  Customization
5.Blogger whole Background Color
6.Blogger footer theme color
7. Read more Bottom
8. Side bar menu (Popular post ,Categories,tags  )
9.Original template designer name & copyright as per your Wish
10. Comment Section
and many more...
Among above i am going to teach  some of the customization method 

Some Customization method on any SEO friendly responsive blogger templates:

1.Blogger Header Menu and Background

Step 1: open Any browser on your Computer
Step 2: Type and login as per your Blogger account
Step 3:Now go to your Header Menu bar background , Put your mouse cursor there , Right Click  and Click on inspect.
Step 4: Now you can see existing menu bar background color like #ff22ff22  (for white grey)under .header-menu section ,Copy .header-menu
Step 5: Now go to your Blogger panel page,Go to theme ,Customize,Edit HTML
Step 6: Now type CTRL + F from your Key board for Search bar
then Search for .header-menu
Step 7: when you find out on your html code ,you will see background #ff22ff22 (Which is existing color code)
Step 8: Now Replace this code as per your own Html color Code 
Step 9: Save your Theme And view your Blog.

2.Blogger Footer Background

Step 1: open Any browser on your Computer
Step 2: Type and login as per your Blogger account
Step 3:Now go to your Footer menu background , Put your mouse cursor there , Right Click  and Click on inspect.
Step 4: Now you can see existing menu bar background color like #111111 (for Black) under #footer-warper section ,Copy #footer.warper

Step 5: Now go to your Blogger panel page,Go to theme ,Customize,Edit HTML
Step 6: Now type CTRL + F from your Key board for Search bar
then Search for #footer-Warper
Step 7-10: All  are same as  Blogger header menu background 

3.Blogger Template Designer Copyright Change as per your Name

Step 1: open Any browser on your Computer
Step 2: Type and login as per your Blogger account
Step 3: Now go to your Blogger panel page,Go to theme ,Customize,Edit HTML
Step 4: Now type CTRL + F from your Key board for Search bar
Step 5: Search for Crafted by on Html coding

Step 6: While you Find Crafted by highlight go just above it and Find for <div Class='Container row'>
Step 7: Paste HTML CODE below <div Class='Container row'>
and change  Name , Blog URL and Date as per your wish

Step 8: Type Extra </div> for close your codes
Step 9: Save

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