Dear Learnmore trick viewers, welcome to my site to learn more trick for your daily lives.Today i am going to teach you how to secure folder without any softwares in windows-7/8/10. There are various methods on this but i am going to show about simple few techniques ,I hope it will very helpful for you.
Why we need to secure our files?
As we need to use personal computer for our personal work,official work or for any purpose ,at the same time we have lots of files that are very important regards our works.Among them some files are very important and need to be secure from third person to maintain security so we need to secure our files or folders to protect our important data from stolen .A few resons to secure our Files are:
- To following Legal guidelines.
- To kept information saftely.
- To Encourage safe work Practices.
can we secure folder without any softwares?
Undoubltly,there are many softwares, tools available in internet to secure our data among them some are free ware available but there is no 100% gurantee with such cracked tools.
If we want to secure our data in safe mode we need to purchase best folder lock softwares from their official site.But for this there are such people who dont want to pay money for such tools so today we will discuss about how to lock folder without any softwares. yes, we can do it with simple few techniques which may very effective for all users.
Methods to lock/ secure /Hide files, folder without softwares
There are various methods available in internet among them today i will discuss about few methods which may very effactive to protect your data without any tools some of them are:
1. Folder lock using CMD (command Prompt)
2. Floder lock using Note pad.
3. Manual lock in windows.
4. Put password using Winrar.
Folder lock /hide usig CMD (Command prompt) in any drive
1.To Lock folder in any drive:
Step-1: Press Windows + R key from keyboard and Type CMD > hit enter
Step-2: Then Type Drivepath: and hit enter
Step-3: Type Cacls foldername /e /p everyone:n and hit enter
example : to Lock folder name Erg in E drive you need to type:
cacls Erg /e /p everyone:n
2.To unlock above folder
Repeat above Step-1 and Step-2
Step-3: Type cacls Erg /e /p everyone:f
3.To Hide folder in any drive
Step-1: Press Windows + R key from keyboard and Type CMD > hit enter
Step-2: Type Driveletter: hit enter
Step-3: Type attrib +h +s +r Foldername hit enter
(to hide folder name ERG under E drive Type: E:
type: attrib +h +s +r ERG hit enter )
4.To UnHide folder
Repeat: Step-1 and Step-3
Type: attrib -h -s -r foldername hit enter
Folder Lock Using Note pad
Step-1: Right click and click on text document and open it.
Step-2: Copy below codes and paste
Step-3: Edit on above code as per your Folder name and password here : You can change Private (folder name ) as per your choice and change existing password learnmoretrick as per your password
Step-4: Save .batch file .
Now save this file as your any name.bat
Step-5: Now Copy this file whenever you want to lock your file
Step-6: Double click on it to run this file it will create a folder itself name as privatefile then copy your important data on this folder
Step-7: Once you click it will create a folder itself as per your file name and locked for this press Y for Yes
Step-8: To unlock and Access this file again
- Again, Double click to run .bat file
- Then Enter your password and hit enter to unlock .
Folder Lock by Manual method
For Windows 10/8/10 using administartion control
Step-1: Select Your folder which you want to lock
Step-2: Right click on your Folder and select Properties
Step-3: Click on Security Tab
Step-4: Select Administration and click on Edit bottom
Step-5: Again Select Administration on this dialouge box
Step-6: Click on Full control (all item should be checked) under Deny tab (under Permission for administration)
Step-7 : Click on Apply.
To Unlock this:
repeat step-1 to step-5
Step-6: Uncheck all under Deny tab
Step-7: Apply.
Put password on folder using winrar
Step-1: Select Your folder which you want to Put password
Step-2: Right click on your Folder and select add to Archive
Step-3: Click on set password then Enter and Re-Enter your Password
Step-4: Check on Encrypt file names then click on Ok.
Step-5: It will create a winrar file after that delete origional file
To Unlock this
Step-1: Select your locked Rar file and right click on it
Step-2: Select Extract here
Step-3: Put your password
Step-4: After that your folder/file will be return back.
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